Mensajes: 1.742
Hilos: 381
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768 en 513 mensajes
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Registro en: May 2017
(08 Feb, 2019, 07:37 PM)Betfague escribió: Me muero de ganas de compartir esta canción... Despierta mi parte más romántica y femenina...
Es más que preciosa...
In the wet sand i write, baby
I'm mad about you,( loco por ti )
I spend my days waiting for the nights
How can I love you if you
are so far from me
servile and beaten
mad about you
I am perfectly aware that from this bar
i cannot reach you....
but from the bottom of my drinking glass I see
your light reflected
I'm gonna drink it
servile and beaten
mad about you.
When you're not there in the morning
my tears will get lost
inside the rain that's gonna fall today
And I will get tangled
drunk with this light
servile and beaten
Mad about you....
Show me a promised land and I will go anywhere
And if you ask me to take my time I'll wait for years...
Ask me to prove my love and I will do anything...
Vuelvo a subirla porque me remece por dentro y por fuera eriza mi piel ...
Es ...
Es Sensible...
Es tierna...
Invita a anudarse en un abrazo y desnudarse en un beso a oscuras...
Me relaja...