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Influencia de ángeles en el alimento espiritual

Comparto citas interesantes de mi estudio personal de publicaciones antiguas, dónde Rutherford en la década de 1930 hizo afirmaciones que indicaban que los ángeles influían en el entendimiento de quienes preparaban el alimento espiritual. Se incluyen citas de Vindicación libro 3, en español solo se tradujo el libro 1.

Esto explicaría tantos entendimientos que cambiaron, ya que por ejemplo respecto al entendimiento del secreto sagrado ni los ángeles entendían completamente.

Rutherford dijo esto basándose en el libro de Zacarías dónde el profeta habla con un ángel.

Vindication, book 3 (1932), pág. 250:
Cita:These angels are invisible to human eyes and are there to carry out the orders of the Lord. No doubt they first hear the instruction which the Lord issues to his remnant and then these invisible messengers pass such instruction on to the remnant.

Preparation (1933) pág. 28:
Cita:This question is propounded for the benefit of those faithful ones of the remnant now on the earth, and the angel of the Lord brings to them the needed information in answer to their questions. (Rev. 1:1) This is proof that the interpretation of prophecy does not proceed from man, but that the Lord Jesus, the chief one in Jehovah's organization, sends the necessary information to his people by and through his holy angels.

Preparation (1933) pág. 36:
Cita:Certain duties and kingdom interests have been committed by the Lord to his angels, which include the transmission of information to God's anointed people on the earth for their aid and comfort. Even though we cannot understand how the angels transmit this information, we know that they do it; and the Scriptures and the facts show that it is done. (Matt. 25:31; Jude 14,15; Zech. 14:5)

Preparation (1933) pág. 64:
Cita:Again Zechariah talked with the angel of the Lord, which shows that the remnant are instructed by the angels of the Lord. The remnant do not hear audible sounds, because such is not necessary. Jehovah has provided his own good way to convey thoughts to the minds of his anointed ones.

Preparation (1933) pág. 66:
Cita:The fact that the prophecy relates to the temple and shows an intimacy between Zechariah and the angel proves that the angels of the Lord at the temple are used to enlighten and comfort the anointed ones and to bring them refreshing truths. Those of the remnant, being honest and true, must say, We do not know; and the Lord enlightens them, sending his angels for that purpose.

Riches (1936) pág. 316:
Cita:Jehovah has made the necessary arrangements within his organization to instruct his people, and all recognize that for some years The Watchtower has been the means of communicating information to God's people. That does not mean that those who prepare the manuscript for The Watchtower are inspired, but rather it means that the Lord through his angels sees to it that the information is given to his people in due time, and he brings to pass the events in fulfillment of his prophecy and then invites those devoted to him to see the same. God through Christ Jesus feeds his people upon the "food convenient" for them, and gives it to them at the proper time. (Proverbs 30:8)

Mensajes en este hilo
Influencia de ángeles en el alimento espiritual - por forista432 - 10 Nov, 2017, 02:06 AM
RE: Influencia de ángeles en el alimento espiritual - por JoseFidencioR - 10 Nov, 2017, 09:44 PM

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