20 Feb, 2018, 11:45 PM
pos ni idea... este C&P no dice nada...
PERO... afirma que SI, hay unos "accionistas", ademas, menciona a TRES accionistas, cuyos nombres les ha de sonar...
** w01 7/1 p. 30 Annual Meeting October 6, 2001 ***
THE ANNUAL MEETING of the members of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania will be held on October 6, 2001, at the Assembly Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses, 2932 Kennedy Boulevard, Jersey City, New Jersey. A preliminary meeting of the members only will convene at 9:15 a.m., followed by the general annual meeting at 10:00 a.m.
The members of the corporation should inform the Secretary’s Office now of any change in their mailing addresses during the past year so that the regular letters of notice and proxies can reach them during July.
The proxies, which will be sent to the members along with the notice of the annual meeting, are to be returned so as to reach the Office of the Secretary of the Society not later than August 1. Each member should complete and return his proxy promptly, stating whether he is going to be at the meeting personally or not. The information given on each proxy should be definite on this point, since it will be relied upon in determining who will be present.
It is expected that the entire session, including the formal business meeting and reports, will be concluded by 1:00 p.m. or shortly thereafter. There will be no afternoon session. Because of limited space, admission will be by ticket only. No arrangements will be made for tying in the annual meeting by telephone lines to other auditoriums.
*** yb73 p. 258 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania ***
A little after ten o’clock the annual business meeting was called to order and, by proxy and persons present, there were 423 members of the Pennsylvania corporation in attendance. They reelected as members of the board of directors for three years M. G. Henschel, N. H. Knorr and L. A. Swingle.
PERO... afirma que SI, hay unos "accionistas", ademas, menciona a TRES accionistas, cuyos nombres les ha de sonar...
** w01 7/1 p. 30 Annual Meeting October 6, 2001 ***
THE ANNUAL MEETING of the members of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania will be held on October 6, 2001, at the Assembly Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses, 2932 Kennedy Boulevard, Jersey City, New Jersey. A preliminary meeting of the members only will convene at 9:15 a.m., followed by the general annual meeting at 10:00 a.m.
The members of the corporation should inform the Secretary’s Office now of any change in their mailing addresses during the past year so that the regular letters of notice and proxies can reach them during July.
The proxies, which will be sent to the members along with the notice of the annual meeting, are to be returned so as to reach the Office of the Secretary of the Society not later than August 1. Each member should complete and return his proxy promptly, stating whether he is going to be at the meeting personally or not. The information given on each proxy should be definite on this point, since it will be relied upon in determining who will be present.
It is expected that the entire session, including the formal business meeting and reports, will be concluded by 1:00 p.m. or shortly thereafter. There will be no afternoon session. Because of limited space, admission will be by ticket only. No arrangements will be made for tying in the annual meeting by telephone lines to other auditoriums.
*** yb73 p. 258 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania ***
A little after ten o’clock the annual business meeting was called to order and, by proxy and persons present, there were 423 members of the Pennsylvania corporation in attendance. They reelected as members of the board of directors for three years M. G. Henschel, N. H. Knorr and L. A. Swingle.
Si Lucifer fue capaz de incitar una rebelión en el cielo, eso significa celos, envidia y violencia en el cielo pese a prometerte un paraíso perfecto