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Enviado por: forista652
23 Mar, 2019, 10:35 AM
Foro: Asuntos legales de la WT
- Respuestas (11)

Watchtower New York Scandal
To kick off 2019, JW Leaks have published a 37 page unredacted file on all Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc., properties sold in the State of New York, between April 2004 and December 2018, for a Grand Total of US$2,081,520,000 (over 2 billion US dollars).


Enviado por: Davidben
23 Mar, 2019, 09:41 AM
Foro: Foro EXTJ
- Respuestas (6)

Un cordial saludo.

Hoy les visito, a ver si alguien me podría proporcionar un link, donde pueda encontrar todas las preguntas  que el CG hace a los que pretenden bautizarse...

Agradecido de antemano.

Buen fin de semana.


Enviado por: abby22
23 Mar, 2019, 02:09 AM
Foro: Presentaciones y Experiencias
- Respuestas (12)

Buenas noches desde Monterrey, México

Deje de reunirme en el 2010 con los testigos de Jehová después de 6 años como publicadora bautizada.

Brevemente les cuento un poco de mi historia, mi familia no era testigo, solo mi abuelita materna y yo crecí con las creencias de los testigos, esa siempre fue para mi "la verdad". Cuando tenía como 14 años mis padres comenzaron a asistir a las reuniones y ahora si tenía que ir obligadamente, lo cual empezo a ser una carga. 

Todo cambio cuando nos mudamos a otra colonia y por ende| a otra congregación. Yo tenía 16 años, nos asignaron un matrimonio joven para que nos ayudara espiritualmente y me lleve de maravilla con la chica que en ese tiempo tenía como 21 años, ademas de que en la congregación había muchos jovenes con los que de inmediato hicimos amistad mis hermanos y yo. Me bauticé a los pocos meses, mas por entusiasmo que por otra cosa, ya que siempre tuve mis dudas sobre algunas doctrinas que nunca me supieron aclarar.

Cuando tenía 20 años entré a trabajar a una empresa muy grande y al mismo tiempo tuvimos que cambiar de congregación. En esa empresa empecé a hacer amistad con varias personas y poco a poco me involucré mas con ellos, ya casi no iba a las reuniones ni a predicar. 

Un día me invitaron a una posada y fui con un muy amigo mío, con el que me llevaba super bien a pesar de que era "mundano", en esa fiesta se me pasaron los tragos y terminamos besándonos en su carro. 

Yo estaba muy arrepentida y lo que hoy me parece una tontería, en ese tiempo me tenía muy apesadumbrada, así que "confesé" mi pecado y me hicieron un comité judicial.

Fue una experiencia HORRIBLE Y HUMILLANTE, me hicieron preguntas intimas, recuerdo que un anciano en especial me preguntó varias veces que si el muchacho había metido las manos dentro de mi ropa, de verdad que lo recuerdo y me da asco y mas porque ya le había contestado que no y seguía insistiendo, yo era una muchachita de 21 años con 4 hombres sola en una habitación, ya se imaginarán como me sentí.

Despues de esa humillación me censuraron privadamente, solo no podía dar comentarios ni participar en la escuela del ministerio teoctrático. yo estaba muy triste y solicité ayuda espiritual la cual nunca me brindaron. 

Dejé de reunirme, me cambié de trabajo y conocí a una persona maravillosa que hoy es mi esposo.

Hasta principios de año yo seguía queriendo regresar a "la verdad" mas que nada por mis bebés, por enseñarles "la verdad" y por el miedo a que Dios me los destruyera en armagedón, pero casualmente vi un vídeo de Youtube de Chit Chat Caro en el que cuenta su experiencia y luego vi otro video de ella de porque no podía volver a ser testigo, en ese video me enteré de la comisión de Australia.

Al principio no lo podía creer, así que vi los vídeos donde sale Geoffrey Jackson diciendo mentiras. Me destrozó el corazón saber que todo lo que había creido era mentira, tuve una crisis existencial horrible, todos los días lloraba y mi esposo tenía que consolarme. 

Algo que me ayudó mucho fue leer el libro Crisis de Conciencia de Raymond Franz, le estoy eternamente agradecida por haber escrito ese libro y ojalá el hermano Franz me esté viendo desde el cielo y que sepa que hizo una grandiosa contribución.

Hoy me siento libre y feliz.

Disculpen si me extendí demasiado, tenía que desahogarme.

Saludos a todos y Dios, la vida, el universo o en lo que sea que tengan su fe los bendiga siempre.


Enviado por: Saskatchewan
22 Mar, 2019, 11:39 PM
Foro: Música | Poesía | Reflexiones
- Respuestas (9)

Estoy escuchado a estas horas de la noche música y hace unos minutos escuche esta "Sixpence None The Richer -Kiss Me" (besame ) Y pense en ese primer beso..todos nos acordamos de ese primer beso right?  

Creo que hay cosas que deberían pertenecer sólo a nosotros. No porque sean cosas vergonzosas ni nada parecido; sino porque son pequeños tesoros, los cuales cuidar y hasta celar. Entre ellos está sin dudas "el primer beso".
Que igualmente no creo sea tan importante el primero como número; sino el primero que te hizo sentir que volabas, el primero que te encendió la piel y la sangre en las venas, el primero que te hizo sentir inmortal y que todo lo podías...
porque realmente hay momentos , cosas ...sensaciones , sentimientos , que solo nos pertenecen a nosotros .
Porque nunca nadie nos hizo sentir así .

Es algo así como lo que se imprenta , se vuelve indeleble aunque pases otros besos , caricias ..otras vidas .

Oh yeah !!!! ese primer beso yo no lo olvido. Sad

Buenassssss noches amadores del Amor !! que duerman bien !  <3


Enviado por: CATALAN
22 Mar, 2019, 07:37 PM
Foro: Documentos Watchtower
- Respuestas (27)

Versión PDF
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Versión JWPUB
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Enviado por: Saskatchewan
22 Mar, 2019, 05:30 PM
Foro: Cine, series y libros
- Respuestas (3)

Los seres humanos tenemos básicamente dos sentimientos que nos mueven; EL MIEDO y EL AMOR...
Normalmente son las dos cosas que nos mueven y desafortunadamente las dos cosas que menos se pueden controlar...

Algunas veces ( que puedo estar equivocado ) el Amor se puede convertir en miedo..

                           THE VILLAGE

La película que les recomiendo para este fin de semana nos muestra como el MIEDO puede paralizarnos

The Village o la villa o aldea  nos habla del miedo. Del miedo como sentimiento común, irracional... incontrolable. Del miedo como principal instrumento de manipulación  que se ocupa por las sectas principalmente para someternos.

El directoR de la peilcula The Sixth Sense "M. Night Shyamalan" nos enseña ese miedo...miedo  al dolor, a la muerte, al castigo, a la pérdida, a lo desconocido, a lo incontrolable... pero tambien se ve  el AMOR...que además de ser algo que queda muy bonito en canciones, poemas y pensamientos es otro sentimiento igual de comun, irracional,  incontrolable.,algunas veces   

En la película si ustedes la ven se daran cuenta que ambos sentimientos (miedo y amor) entran en conflicto  y uno vence y aplaca al otro irremediablemente...porque uno es mas fuerte que el otro.

La película que es una de mis favoritas no tiene Heroe...tiene una Heroina !
y ya no cuento más ...mejor dejo que ustedes la disfruten.


Enviado por: Saskatchewan
22 Mar, 2019, 04:26 PM
Foro: Música | Poesía | Reflexiones
- Respuestas (8)

Alguna vez se han encontrado con alguien que desea ser escuchado?  o se han encontrado con esa sensación de  “estar” para el otro; sea para escucharlo, para prestar un hombro en el cual llorar, para dar un consejo si se pide...o un abrazo sin necesidad de hacerlo ?

Eso me ha pasado , pero... algunas veces soy yo el que necesita de esas mismas cosas; y lo que suele sucederme es encontrarme con gente que siempre está peor que yo... Sad

No todos hemos pasado por las mismas situaciones, y a veces frases como “sé cómo te sientes” “entiendo perfectamente por lo que estás pasando”, no son validas, no right o justas, ni mucho menos acertadas. Creo yo, que lo más simple de hacer cuando alguien junta el valor de decirnos o mostrarnos que tiene el alma a pedazos, es escucharla, sólo escucharla con el corazón...con todo el alma y acompañarla, abrazarla... no enumerar los propios problemas, o los tantos males que nos rodean que ya de por si son muchos... porque realmente a cada uno le molesta la piedra que lleva en el propio zapato.

Necesitan algún abrazo este día para sentirse bien? pues aquí se los envio uno hoy  !!

así como espero que "alguien" me de uno a mí...

Los quiero mucho.



Enviado por: Bereano69
22 Mar, 2019, 03:05 PM
Foro: Foro EXTJ
- Respuestas (6)

La manera de obtener una cuenta en es sencilla incluso para los publicadores claro sin los accesos a ancianos o SM eso si tú cuenta es para hacer donaciones y reservas para ir a Warwick.
Seguramente ya lo sabían, solo un punto me parece curioso y son los datos de destinatario ya que si bien no es la sucursal local por el hecho de ser la página oficial a nivel mundial el nombre de la corporación es Pennsylvania mientras q el banco es suizo.
Espero opiniones.


Enviado por: Lectorjw
22 Mar, 2019, 01:19 PM
Foro: Foro EXTJ
- Respuestas (5)

Hola a todos, entre tantos documentos muy utiles que estan disponibles en este foro, encontré este texto, donde se menciona que el superintendente es quien nombra al coordinador de una congregación, tengo entendido que el coordinador es quien tiene relativamente mas autoridad sobre los demás ancianos... Esto sigue siendo así? Siguen nombrando los SC a los coordinadores de cada congregación? Pensaba que se nombraba a nivel congregacional, entre los ancianos locales.
Existe alguien que pueda confirmar mi pregunta?

Aquí el texto extraído de un PDF

Otros nombramientos: el 
superintendente de circuito es 
responsable por el nombramiento de 
coordinadores del cuerpo de 
ancianos, superintendentes de 
asambleas, y asistentes de 
superintendentes de asambleas. – vea 

Muchas gracias a todos un abrazo!


Enviado por: JoseFidencioR
22 Mar, 2019, 10:11 AM
Foro: Noticias de la JW
- Respuestas (8)

n March 1997, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, the nonprofit organization that oversees the Jehovah’s Witnesses, sent a letter to each of its 10,883 U.S. congregations, and to many more congregations worldwide. The organization was concerned about the legal risk posed by possible child molesters within its ranks. The letter laid out instructions on how to deal with a known predator: Write a detailed report answering 12 questions—Was this a onetime occurrence, or did the accused have a history of child molestation? How is the accused viewed within the community? Does anyone else know about the abuse?—and mail it to Watchtower’s headquarters in a special blue envelope. Keep a copy of the report in your congregation’s confidential file, the instructions continued, and do not share it with anyone.

Thus did the Jehovah’s Witnesses build what might be the world’s largest database of undocumented child molesters: at least two decades’ worth of names and addresses—likely numbering in the tens of thousands—and detailed acts of alleged abuse, most of which have never been shared with law enforcement, all scanned and searchable in a Microsoft SharePoint file. In recent decades, much of the world’s attention to allegations of abuse has focused on the Catholic Church and other religious groups. Less notice has been paid to the abuse among the Jehovah’s Witnesses, a Christian sect with more than 8.5 million members. Yet all this time, rather than comply with multiple court orders to release the information contained in its database, Watchtower has paid millions of dollars to keep it secret, even from the survivors whose stories are contained within.

That effort has been remarkably successful—until recently.

A white Priority Mail box filled with manila envelopes sits on the floor of Mark O’Donnell’s wood-paneled home office, on the outskirts of Baltimore, Maryland. Mark, 51, is the owner of an exercise-equipment repair business and a longtime Jehovah’s Witness who quietly left the religion in late 2013. Soon after, he became known to ex–Jehovah’s Witnesses as John Redwood, an activist and a blogger who reports on the various controversies, including cases of child abuse, surrounding Watchtower. (Recently, he has begun using his own name.)

When I first met Mark, in May of last year, he appeared at the front door of his modest home in the same outfit he nearly always wears: khaki cargo shorts, a short-sleeved shirt, white sneakers, and sweat socks pulled up over his calves. He invited me into his densely furnished office, where a fan barely dispelled the wafting smell of cat food. He pulled an envelope from the Priority Mail box and passed me its contents, a mixture of typed and handwritten letters discussing various sins allegedly committed by members of a Jehovah’s Witness congregation in Massachusetts. All the letters in the box had been stolen by an anonymous source inside the religion and shared with Mark. The sins described in the letters ranged from the mundane—smoking pot, marital infidelity, drunkenness—to the horrifying. Slowly, over the past couple of years, Mark has been leaking the most damning contents of the box, much of which is still secret.

Mark’s eyebrows are permanently arched, and when he makes an important point, he peers out above his rimless glasses, eyes widened, which lends him a conspiratorial air.

“Start with these,” he said.

Over the past couple of years, Mark O’Donnell has been leaking stolen letters and other papers documenting instances of child abuse. (Lexey Swall)
Among the papers Mark showed me that day was a series of letters about a man from Springfield, Massachusetts, who had been disfellowshipped—a form of excommunication—three times. When the man was once again reinstated, in 2008, someone working in a division of Watchtower wrote to his congregation, noting that in 1989 he was said to have “allowed his 11-year-old stepdaughter to touch his penis … on at least two occasions.”

I was struck by the oddness of the language. It insinuated that the man had agreed to, rather than initiated, the sexual contact with his stepdaughter.

After I left Mark’s house, I tracked down the stepdaughter, now 40. In fact, she told me, she had been only 8 when her stepfather had molested her. “He was the adult and I was the kid, so I thought I didn’t have any choice,” she said. She was terrified, she told me. “It took me two years to go to my mom about it.”

Her mother immediately went to the congregation’s elders, who later called the girl and her stepfather in to pray with them. She remembers it as a humiliating experience.

Her stepfather was eventually disfellowshipped for instances that involved “fornication,” “drunkenness,” and “lying,” according to the letters. But according to the stepdaughter, his alleged molestation of her resulted only in his being “privately reproved,” a closed-door reprimand that is usually accompanied by a temporary loss of privileges, such as not being allowed to offer comments during Bible study or lead a prayer. The letters make no reference to police being notified; the stepdaughter said her mother was encouraged to keep the matter private, and no attempt was made to keep the stepfather away from other children. (Calls to the congregation’s Kingdom Hall—the Witness version of a church—for comment went unanswered.)

By the time the letters were written, the man was attending a different congregation and had married another woman with children; he is still part of that family today. Near the end of the final letter in Mark’s possession is a question: “Is there any responsibility on the part of either body of elders … to inform his current wife of his past history of child molestation?”

Mark O’Donnell’s childhood was an isolated one. His parents, Jerry and Susan, had started attending Jehovah’s Witness meetings in the mid-1960s. Another couple from Baltimore had told them of Watchtower’s prediction that the world would end in 1975, bringing death to all non-Witnesses and transforming Earth into a paradise for the faithful. In 1968, just after Mark was born, Jerry and Susan were group-baptized in a swimming pool in Washington, D.C. Mark was an only child, and he inherited his father’s peculiar love of record-keeping. Mark would show up to meetings at the Kingdom Hall with a briefcase full of religious texts.

As in any religion, there’s some variation among Jehovah’s Witnesses in how strictly they interpret the teachings that govern their faith; Mark’s upbringing seems to have been especially stringent. As a child, he attended at least five meetings a week, plus several hours of private Bible study. On Saturday mornings, he joined his parents in “field service,” knocking on doors in search of converts. He was taught that most people outside the organization were corrupted by Satan and, given the chance, would try to steal from him, drug him, or rape him. Mainstream books and magazines were considered the work of Satan. If he broke any of the religion’s main rules, he could be disfellowshipped, meaning even his own family would have to shun him.

Throughout Mark’s childhood, he heard elders cite Proverbs 13:24: “Whoever holds back his rod hates his son.” Mark’s parents took the lesson to heart and beat him frequently. The religion forbids celebrating birthdays, voting, serving in the military, and accepting blood transfusions, even in life-and-death situations. Witnesses were encouraged to devote themselves to bringing more converts into the religion before the end of the world arrived. “Reports are heard of brothers selling their homes and property” to spend their last days proselytizing, said a Watchtower publication in 1974. “Certainly this is a fine way to spend the short time remaining before the wicked world’s end.” Some Witnesses stopped going to the doctor, quit their jobs, or ran up debt.As in any religion, there’s some variation among Jehovah’s Witnesses in how strictly they interpret the teachings that govern their faith; Mark’s upbringing seems to have been especially stringent. As a child, he attended at least five meetings a week, plus several hours of private Bible study. On Saturday mornings, he joined his parents in “field service,” knocking on doors in search of converts. He was taught that most people outside the organization were corrupted by Satan and, given the chance, would try to steal from him, drug him, or rape him. Mainstream books and magazines were considered the work of Satan. If he broke any of the religion’s main rules, he could be disfellowshipped, meaning even his own family would have to shun him.

Throughout Mark’s childhood, he heard elders cite Proverbs 13:24: “Whoever holds back his rod hates his son.” Mark’s parents took the lesson to heart and beat him frequently. The religion forbids celebrating birthdays, voting, serving in the military, and accepting blood transfusions, even in life-and-death situations. Witnesses were encouraged to devote themselves to bringing more converts into the religion before the end of the world arrived. “Reports are heard of brothers selling their homes and property” to spend their last days proselytizing, said a Watchtower publication in 1974. “Certainly this is a fine way to spend the short time remaining before the wicked world’s end.” Some Witnesses stopped going to the doctor, quit their jobs, or ran up debt.

But piety, Mark noticed, did not always translate to morality. When he was 12, Mark became suspicious of a local Witness named Louis Ongsingco, a flight attendant who would bring home Toblerone bars for the local Witness kids and invite them to his apartment to act out religious plays. Mark noticed Ongsingco touching young girls in a way that made him uncomfortable. He told an elder about his concerns. But rather than take action against Ongsingco, the elder told him what Mark had said. Days later, Ongsingco pulled Mark aside and scolded him.

Mark’s instincts seem to have been right. In 2001, one of Mark’s childhood friends, Erin Michelle Shifflett, along with four other women, sued Ongsingco for sexual assault. The cases were settled out of court for an undisclosed sum. Ongsingco died in 2016.

To Mark, the lesson was that for all the emphasis the elders placed on moral purity, there was no greater sin than speaking out against other Witnesses.

By the time Mark was in high school, in the early 1980s, 1975 had come and gone, but Watchtower had a new prediction for the apocalypse. It said that the world would end before the passing of the generation that was alive in 1914. At the time, the youngest members of that generation were 70, so the new prediction created a sense of urgency.

“My parents basically told me, ‘You’re not even going to live to graduate from college,’” Mark said. At 17, despite having a year of college credit and a guidance counselor imploring him to apply, he decided to settle for a high-school diploma. He was baptized and later started his exercise-equipment repair company. The business provided enough flexibility for him to perform 50 hours of field service for the Witnesses a month, which qualified him for the rank of auxiliary pioneer.
